Learning from ‘Dog With A Blog’

July 17, 2018

Can a TV show inspire an educational activity?

We know kids who love to watch ‘Dog With A Blog’, a Disney TV series about a dog Stan, who can speak English and also type — a dog that documents his life — on a blog. Would it then be a challenge getting the kids who know about such TV shows to use writing as an exercise in reflection?

We decided we would find out if kids would care to write a blog post and also enjoy it.

We dovetailed a specially designed blogging activity to a coursework that we are testing out through a recent workshop of AlligatorZone Academy. Part of the goal of the coursework is to help kids try to understand how product marketers and startup CEOs think and communicate to sell.

Success in any field depends on one’s skills at selling. Unless one has retired and moved to a remote island or to a monastery off-the-grid, we are all on sales-mode, trying to selling something or some idea to someone. Whether it is trying to get an A in a school paper with that extra question answered to impress the grader, or whether it is convincing a parent to go watch a movie with them, or if it is writing out that wish-list for the next holiday season, kids intuitively understand how to negotiate and get what they want.

Last summer, VC Kanwal Rekhi suddenly remembered one thing he wished that he had covered in his talk the previous evening to entrepreneurs — that he considers ‘selling’ as the number one skill an entrepreneur must have. I captured it in his own words on video at a lunch meeting the next day and shared it with others (watch the clip below).

Our focus at the Academy’s recent beta workshop has been to help kids understand how entrepreneurs use communication to get things done — and get them done in a cost-efficient manner. I was pleasantly surprised when some of the kids mentioned blogging as one of the highlights of their recent workshop experience.

It probably helped that the kids were already familiar with the concept of blogging. I am told that ‘Dog with a Blog’ is quite popular among elementary-school kids. Perhaps, blogs aren’t just for Stan, the communicator dog from the TV show, after all. However, only time will tell if those students who were excited to write their first blog post will learn how to continue to retain and rekindle that excitement repeatedly, and take their audiences along with them on their journey, while honing their written communication skills.

The writer, Ramesh Sambasivan is the cofounder of AlligatorZone, and a designer of B2B marketing programs with an eye on social-impact to help enterprises that want to grow while giving. This essay documents his firm’s recent effort in designing a curriculum for AlligatorZone Academy to prepare kids for careers that do not yet exist, created at the request of parents seeking a structured alternative learning environment for their school-age kids. Premium programs of the Academy are expected to help make AlligatorZone’s free event-program self-sustaining.

“Pen-tapping is a thing?”

July 6, 2018

Observations from running a kids’ summer workshop on entrepreneurial-mindset.

Last week, I had the privilege of spending some time with kids of ages 11–14 while running a special workshop series, being designed as a premium alternative-learning launchpad for kids to begin to understand how entrepreneurs think. These workshops are held under the banner of AlligatorZone Academy, to support the free public event-program AlligatorZone®, where kids meet cool startups.

This series of workshops is being designed starting with a big, blank canvas, for families who want to invest in enriched learning experiences despite it being a ‘summer workshop’. We draw from a wide variety of public resources and let the kids have fun as they learn and embark on their own voyage of discovery, if they feel sufficiently motivated. Some leave with an initiative that they can pursue on their own, long after summer is over.

Here are three of the many interesting lessons we learned during last week’s workshop with the kids:

Kids pick up jargon effortlessly.

I am not sure if it is because they want to sound adult-like, or it is because they love labeling things, kids seem to take to jargon very quickly. We deliberately strive to avoid all business jargon. I think that jargon has the life-span of fads, and what they learn may become outdated by the time these kids enter the world of work.

Jargon has the life-span of fads

We would rather use the time with the kids to help them observe the world around them and absorb timeless lessons they can always remember, apply, and talk about, with the help of more contemporary jargon keeping with the times when they get into a career or when they find a calling — if the use of jargon will help them. Our effort to steer clear of business jargon, however, remains a work-in-progress. At last summer’s workshop, I had inadvertently used the word ‘traction’, and found that within minutes the kids were generously using the word, though it was in the right context. Still, it felt like they lost a piece of their child-like quality when they resorted to using business jargon instead of plain talk. Kids pick up jargon effortlessly. That is no reason to teach them business jargon.

Kids love good stories — even stories on concepts in commerce.

Kids love stories.

The workshops are designed to provide an entertaining and enlightening view of the world of business and commerce. One of the goals was to pick up on some concepts in commerce and look at their real-world manifestations using examples as part of story-telling. We refer to them as CaseStories™. We learned that kids simply love good stories — even stories on concepts in commerce.

Kids know media.

Through four years of observing kids interact with startup founders at AlligatorZone’s free public events, I have learned quite a bit about the next generation of consumers and decision-makers. Being native to the digital world, the kids are a natural with the use of modern tools made possible by the mobile web. They know how to empower themselves by finding their audience.

However, interacting with them during the workshop and learning about what excited them was eye-opening indeed. For instance, kids can rattle off names of YouTubers and can articulate why they like or dislike some of them. Another example is the positioning of common-place activities as an art-form for a digitally native medium and audience. Pen-tapping is now a marketable skill, I learned.

Pen-tapping is an art-form!

Kids understand how to build an audience for it online, and perhaps have even made it into a branded art form that wins them accolades. Back when I was in middle school, for pen-tapping and desk-drumming, all I won was a resounding slap from a very strict school teacher.

These are just three highlights from an exhilarating workshop that had kids bubbling with energy and enthusiasm over matters of commerce and entrepreneurship.

Parents and educators can leverage certain strengths in children to get them inspired efficiently.

Parents and educators can leverage these traits observed in kids by engaging them in entrepreneurial thinking through topics and matters that interest them. It would make education more efficient if we could find paths of least resistance to get kids inspired about seeking solutions and opportunities to make the world better.

We are now planning another set of such workshops in Silicon Valley this month. I believe that whatever the kids work on or play with in their early school years with an entrepreneurial mindset, they will derive compounded benefits if they can find something aligned with their interests, making it easier for them to stick with it or find patterns in their varying pursuits during their growing years.

After all, it’s about eventually connecting these dots to a fulfilling and rewarding calling, and somewhere early along the way — finding traction.

The author Ramesh Sambasivan is a designer and cofounder of AlligatorZone.org, where kids meet cool startups. Click here to learn more more about AlligatorZone’s upcoming workshops for kids, being planned in SiliconValley for this summer. Share this essay with family-friends, teachers and tutors who have school-age kids under their care and supervision.

21st Century Chores That Foster An Entrepreneurial Mindset In Kids

A little creativity in assigning chores for digital natives can double as entrepreneurial skills training.

Kids do chores, growing up. However, shouldn’t the chores change with the times? Modern-day kids may be able to learn skills that can be entrepreneurial, by doing higher-level chores once they have mastered making their beds.

In a new series of blog-posts, we are going to start documenting and sharing lessons observed by parents and teachers about children, with a focus on development of an entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurial leadership skills in them while still letting them be kids. These will be shared in short bursts of inspiration through blog posts that any parent or guardian can use in the normal course of raising a child or a grandchild.

I will refrain from trying to define an entrepreneurial mindset, or entrepreneurial skills because there may be several definitions. Many buzzwords are used to describe someone who is entrepreneurial. They could be labeled pathfinders, they could be problem-solvers, they could be adept at research, independent thinkers, and self-starters. Whatever those skills and characteristics are, we will discover them with parents and educators who are on the same journey as us through AlligatorZone — to prepare our kids for careers that do not yet exist.

Besides chores such as making their own beds, modern kids can handle higher level chores if they have access to computers. Since it is summer, the season when families may go on road-trips, a chore that comes to mind is the one that used to be handled by the friendly folks who used to create TripTiks by hand and probably still do.

What if we entrust kids with the chore of planning a road trip. Here’s how one might assign such a chore. Start with having the kids research the road trip with the following broad guidelines.

a) Research directions using the Internet, and make notes on road hazards and closures, drive-times, areas to avoid, traffic peak-times, free and legal parking near sites to visit, and safe stops along the way.

b) Research things to do at each stop along the way, including, free things to do such as national parks along the route, self-guided tours you can do using apps, and must-do items that you do not want to miss in a city.

c) Research accommodations and routing, including identifying places to stay that provide the best value (provide a spending limit), and finding the safest parts of the city, mapping out the route and the sequence of the various stops, noting down estimated times of arrival and planned departure times, and taking notes or print-outs of directions, in case of unreliable GPS in mountainous areas.

What are three entrepreneurial skills that kids might pick up by doing this 21st Century chore?

1. Distilling Actionable Information From Research:

a. Research on the web using tools such as Google Maps, Division of Traffic websites, specific websites of tourist attractions, and travel-review websites to learn of hidden gems that one could visit, among others.

b. Filling gaps in online research through phone calls.

c. Research through talking to friends who know you best (old-school personalization).

2. Budgetary Discipline

a. Learning how to get the best experiences within a budget limit.

b. Understanding trade-offs, on putting safety above savings, so that the kids learn not to cut corners on personal well-being

c. Understanding that price does not always reflect the quality of service provided

3. Understanding Marketing Spins

a. Kids will learn how tourist towns must promote themselves to hold on to passing tourists and make them part with their dollars.

b. Kids will learn how to read between the lines of marketing copy on the websites of various tourist destinations

c. Kids will understand how pricing packages are built to maximize spending by tourists.

By assigning this chore, kids might feel ownership of the road trip and be more engaged as learners during the trip. You might hear less questions such as “Are we there yet?” because they are equipped to know.

As a bonus, the grown-ups will get to see the world through the refreshing eyes of the children. That can be rejuvenating for the grown-ups.

Such suggestions, of course, are easier made than followed because they require spending time with children and giving them undivided attention. Yet, anyone with access to the Internet or to a nearby public library and some spare time can do it. It’s the best investment of time by parents of kids from ages 7 to 17. By seventeen, kids will have learned to think and act independently as entrepreneurial problem-solvers.

The author Ramesh Sambasivan is the designer of the social-impact program AlligatorZone®, where kids meet cool startups (https://AlligatorZone.org). AlligatorZone aims to empower parents and teachers to help their kids prepare for careers that don’t yet exist.

Startups Paybee and Swarm Technologies, in the words of a 5th Grader

April 1, 2018

By guest-blogger, Tribhuvani, a 5th grader and an AlligatorZone Ambassador

On Sunday, March 25, 2018, startups Paybee and Swarm Technologies were presented by their respective founders, Rajeev Prasad, and Sara Spangelo Ph.D. at a free public event by AlligatorZone held at Rinconada Library in Palo Alto, CA. This AlligatorZone event program was run for their community by kid volunteers coached under AlligatorZone’s community leadership initiative called AlligatorZone Ambassadors. This guest blog post is by Tribhuvani, an AlligatorZone Ambassador.



Have you ever wanted to donate to a place, but do not have the money to pay right then? You promise yourself you will donate next time you come. Next time you forget and the same process is repeated again and again.

An excellent entrepreneur named Rajeev had the same problem. To solve the problem Rajeev created a app called Paybee. In the app you just scan the QR code of the foundation, and you can donate the amount you want.

This way is more convenient and the foundation you are donating to gets more money. This way is convenient because you can just go to the app and pay. The foundation gets more money since you can pay right then, and do not forget.

Swarm Networks


Have you ever texted someone without using the internet or phone connection? That is what Sarah and Ben created. They created a gateway that works like a Wi-Fi hotspot, Low orbit earth satellite, and a ground station.

The functionality sounded simple. After connecting to the gateway from a mobile phone (similar to connecting to wi-fi), one can start sending messages. A gateway is a device that has electronic, palm sized rectangle panels. You send a message when you are near the gateway. The low orbiting earth satellite in space gets the message from the gateway through antenna. Then the satellite will send the message to a ground station. A ground station is a computer with an antenna.

This is very useful for remote villages that have no connection, for Agriculture, Maritime Shipping, Logistics etc. They can send messages using this device. Also, when a natural disaster strikes, you can use it to communicate.

For more information on how to volunteer as an AlligatorZone Ambassador, please visit http://alligatorzone.org/parents/ambassador. For information on AlligatorZone, visit AlligatorZone.org.

The author, Tribhuvani, an AlligatorZone Ambassador, is in 5th grade and likes to swim, ice-skate, and dance. AlligatorZone was an excellent experience for her, she says.

All It Takes Is To Inspire That One Kid

March 14, 2018

A shout-out to all the startup founders who make the time to present their work to kids. And a shout-out to the families who make the time to take their kids to meet these innovators, and participate with their kids in this uplifting and enlightening shared experience.

We have had the privilege of meeting in person, or via the web over a hundred very special startup founders from across the nation. What makes them special is the humility with which they come to a local public library to present their work to a young audience. This has been happening in the form of community events held in public libraries across several cities on both coasts, and in the mid-Atlantic, through a carefully curated citizen-led program where kids meet cool startups.

Rob Povolny, Founder and President, Fresco Foods, Inc.

These events give us an insight into how easily parents in various localities are willing or able to embrace a unique way of getting their kids to learn about a future that these innovators are building.

In some localities these kids’ events have a packed room all the time. The events in some areas have followers who make it to as many events as possible when held with a short drive. It helps that we have been able to avoid repeating a startup founder who has already presented in a region, making each event a unique and exciting learning opportunity.

In some cities, we have parents who contact us and ask us when we will bring AlligatorZone to their city.

In some cities, we have mixed results. Some events are very well attended, filling rooms to capacity, and others are sparsely attended. In some cities they have been very poorly attended. The reasons for this vary from place to place and from time to time.

A broken foot didn’t deter these fans of startups to drive an hour to attend this AlligatorZone session.

An innovative event program that is hard to describe because of its many layers of value derived by kids, their family members and the presenting startup founders, has to still compete for family-time and mindshare with the traditional leisure-time pursuits of families such as baseball, soccer, and ballet. That does not stop parents from showing up when they can. Perhaps we can cross out ballet.

Luther Parker, Ph.D., founder and CEO of Lubotics

In some cities, we have seen only women bring their kids to these innovation events. In some locations people do not come because they did not find transportation.

Despite these variations, the one constant we have is that the startup founders who agree to present to the youth always show up and they present their creations to the kids with great patience.

Shane Vermette, the inventor of RightShears

They present their work with the same enthusiasm and dedication, whether to a room packed with parents and kids or a room with just a few families who have taken the pains to drive their kids to meet the innovators.

Jeremy Scheinberg, Cofounder of TROBO

The startup founders give selflessly of themselves. They give their time on a weekday evening or a weekend. They share their wisdom. They stay approachable. Often, they are pleasantly surprised by the quality of the questions coming from the digital natives in the events. Many a time, they leave with fresh insights. However, they always leave the events feeling uplifted.

It’s a labor of love for the startup founders, and for us.

Therefore, we salute all the startup founders who consider it worthwhile to spend a couple of hours inspiring our kids and the accompanying family members at AlligatorZone’s event programs.

Murilo Amaral, Co-Founder of Cargo42

Because, all it takes is for just one kid to get inspired to create something that transforms the world for the better, to make this massive collective effort from each community completely worth it. Or for thousands of inspired kids to make small incremental innovations. Perhaps we may even see thousands of revolutionary innovations by the kids, each of which transform the world in some uniquely positive way.

Alastair Hood Ph.D., CEO and founder of Verdafero

Having stated the above, one must admit that many of the startup founders enjoy takeaways too. They answer questions and have honest conversations when they are presenting to the kids; kids who happen to be digital natives merely seeking to understand the world they will inherit. The startup founders learn new lessons from looking at their own worlds through the eyes of the kids — enough lessons to fill a book. Stay tuned.

The writer of this article, Ramesh Sambasivan is the co-founder of AlligatorZone®, where kids meet cool startups, a nationwide face-to-face community platform that brings together startup founders and school-age children to help the kids get a peek into the minds of innovators who are creating the future. What began as a passion project is now touring several cities and serving communities through free inspirational gatherings in public libraries for families. He is also the principal at SiliconGlades, a business innovation and design firm helping organizations transform themselves into formidable sales-machines through operational excellence and a story-telling system for not just the entire organization, but also for the communities it serves.

What our youngsters can learn from this month’s AlligatorZone in Silicon Valley, featuring the high tech woman entrepreneur ‘connecting the world with tiny satellites’

March 4, 2018

This month’s AlligatorZone in Palo Alto, CA, will feature Sara Spangelo, Co-founder and CEO of Swarm Technologies, a new start-up developing the world’s smallest two-way communications satellites. (Parents can register at http://bit.ly/2o6SjtR)

AlligatorZone, where kids meet cool startups, offers free public events regularly in various cities for startup founders to do a product-show-and-tell for youngsters and engage them in a free-wheeling conversation.

These gatherings offer invaluable lessons for families with youngsters, because one never knows what will inspire our children to become change-makers and innovators. Sometimes the impact can’t be measured directly, but they can be felt.

As parents ourselves, we notice that the nice thing about AlligatorZone is how it takes away the burden from a parents’ shoulders of having to talk to a youngster about following the example of someone who is going great things — only to be met a glazed look in the kids’ eyes or the rolling of a teen’s eye, and instead actually allows a family to enjoy a shared social experience that’s very enriched with meaningful interaction without anyone preaching to our kids.

As in Tampa Bay’s sessions this month, for Silicon Valley also, at the March 25th, 2018 event in Palo Alto’s Rinconada Library, we believe that having Sara as a presenter will not only be a great inspiration for our daughters in their formative years, but also for youngsters to know the value of higher education.

At the event, we believe that the youngsters will also learn about satellite communications technology (of course), about what a career path that winds through Google X and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) can lead to, and what the challenges are with making devices connected and communicating with one another.

We believe the youngsters will also learn how the sky is the limit when one is a continuous learner of technologies. From Sara’s linkedin profile: Her research interests include analytical modeling, simulation, multi-disciplinary optimization, stochastic scheduling, Model-Based Systems Engineering, GPS and tracking for small satellites, and optimal path planning with solar-powered UAV applications. Top 32 Canadian astronaut finalist in 2017.

Registration is required for each AlligatorZone event. Parents can use this link to register and reserve seats for the whole family: http://bit.ly/2o6SjtR.

Sign up for our newsletter ‘AlligatorZone Almanac’ to keep up.

What Our Youngsters Can Learn from the Women-Owned Startups featured in March 2018 AlligatorZone event in Tampa

March 4, 2018

AlligatorZone® is where kids meet cool startups. We put out a (usually) monthly newsletter, viz., the AlligatorZone Almanac. We are going to try housing the content of the newsletter at Medium to make it easier for people to read and share it. The newsletter will point to this blog, allowing for shorter newsletters. Each segment of the Almanac (such as ‘As Seen At AlligatorZone’) will be a separate post which will allow us to attempt a weekly newsletter pointing to this blog. Hope you like this paced approach.

What our youngsters can learn from the startups featured in Tampa this month, viz., Global Safety Management and WeCraftBox.

Here’s what kids can learn from observing AlligatorZone’s product show-and-tell by the founders of startups being featured this month.

On Saturday, March 24, 2018 in Tampa Bay, Florida (parents sign up here):

Julia MacGregor, MS MBA, President and CEO, Global Safety Management will be presenting her startup to youngsters first.

Kids will have an opportunity to have a conversation, in very simple terms to understand how software helps process manufacturing, the industrial use of chemicals, and how being methodical can not only be a habit keeps people safe in everyday use of chemicals — but also a life-skill.

We also believe that seeing woman leaders making the world better sends a positive message to our daughters.

Betsy Wild, Founder and CEO, We Craft Box will also be presenting her startup in Tampa Bay on March 24, 2018.

From Betsy, the youngsters will learn that if they are facing a problem, it is very likely that there are others who are facing the same problem, and if they they can come up with a solution, it may serve a lot of other people. They will also learn that humans are creatures of habit, and one way to sell a product that spreads happiness is to make its use a habit and include an element of surprise — because we seem to love the anticipation of opening a box.

AlligatorZone inspires young minds in Tampa, in a live interactive session

July 17, 2017

Articles in this blog post are written by 11 and 12 year olds who attended an AlligatorZone Academy workshop in Tampa Florida, in June 2017.

I had a great time at AlligatorZone. Being an Alligator Zone Ambassador, I got there early and helped set up the room for the presenters and audience. The presenters were Rob Povlony of Eat Fresco, Dr. Oren Milstein of Stemrad, and Ron and Jeff Rudderman of Vidpic AR.

Rob Povlony started Eat Fresco because he wanted to give people quick, restaurant-quality food at home. Dr. Oren Milstein started Stemrad to protect first responders from gamma radiation. Ron and Jeff Rudderman started VidPic AR because they believe that there is a story behind every picture. The startup entrepreneurs were friendly and enthusiastic during their AlligatorZone presentations. They talked about where they got their product ideas, the technology behind their products, how they funded their startups, how they are selling their products, how they started and continue to grow their business. They also showed prototypes and examples of their products.

The audience asked good questions. For example, one person asked Dr. Millstein if head protection against Gamma Radiation was needed (The answer was no, but still…).

After the presentations were over, I interviewed two of the three startup founders. (Dr. Milstein had to leave early.) During their interviews, the startup founders said that they enjoyed presenting at Alligator Zone. It was a great time.

Young AlligatorZone Ambassador Documents Kids and Youth Meeting the Founders of Valley Startups Nickel and BioCellection

This guest-blog post is by Anisha G., a 6th grader in California. Anisha likes to play basketball and music. Anisha stepped up to serve her community as an AlligatorZone Ambassador at The King Library in San Jose, California during the AlligatorZone session held on August 27, 2016. The featured startups and founders were (a) Oliver Deighton, Founder and the CEO of Nickel, a way for parents to pay an allowance to kids in their own MasterCard, and (b) Miranda Wang and Jeanny Yao, Co-founders of BioCellection, who use bacteria to turn plastic garbage into useful things.

Who doesn’t want to earn and keep the track of the allowance that they earn for doing small and simple things.

Nickel is a cool app, that kids and teens can use to track their allowance. This app is easily available to download from appstore. Not only does it motivate kids to work hard and earn their allowance, but also teaches them how to handle their money with care.

Oliver was the first guest of the day invited by AlligatorZone in Martin Luther’s King Library, in San Jose .

Keshav, one of the AlligatorZone Ambassadors arrived and introduced the first presenter, Oliver to the listeners.

Oliver began talking about his app and how Nickel can be very helpful for kids and teens to learn how to handle money and allowance. He also told parents that it’s a very good way to access kids’ account to add money as a good way of earning interest every month (or subtract money).

Nickel app comes with a nickel card, which is divided, into 2 sections, nickel pocket and allowance, the nickel pocket resembles trading of stocks where money can grow.

Before Oliver started Nickel, he was working as a product Marketing manager at Google, and also worked as Vice President of Marketing at VigLink.

We can try Nickel app free for first 2 months. For more information about his new venture we can read from his website :http://nickel.co/

Saying “No More” to Plastic Pollution

Cleaning up plastic pollution is a major problem affecting us globally, killing millions of marine animals throughout the world. A simple walk on any beach, anywhere, and the spectacle of plastic waste is visible. Tons of plastic debris get discarded every year, everywhere, polluting land, rivers, coasts, beaches, and oceans.

Next, host Keshav introduced the presenters Miranda Wang and Jeanny Yao, where they talked about their plastic-eating bacterial research, which started as a Science Fair project in high school and later they came up with the idea of BioCellection. They also told audience about their high-school field trip, where they saw landfills filled with plastic pollutants and other harmful materials like styrofoam (one of the major plastic pollutants) .

Later on they came up with the idea of starting their company called BioCellection.

BioCellection is a genetically engineered bacteria that will be able to breakdown plastic faster than naturally occurring bacteria.

Miranda is a synthetic biologist, an environmental advocate and a 2016 UPenn college graduate. She used novel chemistry and genetic engineering to create useful things out of these Styrofoam structures.

Miranda’s objective is to remove the most dangerous plastic from landfills and convert it to bacterial food, which can be found in powdered form and valuable liquid, so our landfill does not get populated.

I think, American cities are taking the steps to save environment from plastic pollution, by encouraging people to use reusable grocery bags. It is hard to believe, but a small change could bring a huge impact on protecting our environment.

Schools are also teaching youth to follow 3R’s of environment that is REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE. If you think, you are interested in this super Biology work please checkout their wesite http://www.biocellection.com/

Kid blogger reports on AlligatorZone Event in MountainView, CA featuring startups BalconyPets and Molekule

August 28, 2016

This guest-blog post is by Anisha G., a 6th grader in California. Anisha likes to play basketball and music. Anisha stepped up to serve her community as an AlligatorZone Ambassador at Mountain View Public Library, Mountain View, California at the AlligatorZone session held on August 6, 2016.


“Open close, Open close. … these two actions give me headache, I have to do something about it. This generated an idea to create a Pet door, which will make our life easier.”

On Aug 6th , Ms. Nancy Carson was invited by AlligatorZone in Mountain View Public Library to talk about her famous invention. Ms. Nancy is the fabulous founder of Balcony Pets Inc.

Nancy has an extensive background in entrepreneurship, business development, sales, education, digital communication and social media. Her understanding of people and the care of pets led her to create a product that fills a previously unmet need in the pet market.

She created a very easy-to-construct pet door for glass sliding doors, which includes three easy steps to construct without the use of tools; the pets can go in and out without disturbing and annoying the owners, and works in apartments and homes – Isn’t that amazing?

The qualities of pet door which makes it unique are:

The pet door is a modular, lightweight, snap-together pet door that requires no tools or expertise to use.

It is portable, lightweight, and easy to take with you when you travel or move.

It can be put up and taken down easily without any permanent changes to the home or apartment structure.

We can read more about Nancy’s famous creation @: https://www.balconypets.com/

AlligatorZone ambassador “Anisha” in Mountain View Library introduced Nancy, where Nancy showed us how easy is to assemble the Pet door. She also talked about, how all kids start getting allowances and save money to make their dream come true.

Audiences were cheerful and were asking Nancy a few questions. Some of the questions were related to how she got funding to develop this product and she answered that she had to “use all her savings and her friends also contributed”.

If anyone is interested in buying the pet door you can buy it from Amazon.


Cough: ahem ahem, sneeze: aachoo achoo… ooops so many allergies, oh my, this air is irritating me, a lot. I wish there could be an air purifier that can help.

With Dilip Goswami’s help this dream has come true. He created an air purifier that will help people with asthma and allergies. He was also invited as the guest speaker for AlligatorZone in Mountain View library. The audience took a major role in introducing Dilip. His creation uses solar energy, led lights, and a Nano coded filter to break down the chemicals in the air. Well, how does it work?

Step 1: Air passes through the purifier

Step 2: Light activates the filter and creates a surface reaction

Step 3: The reaction destroys allergies, mold, and bacteria and turns them into harmless molecules

Step 4: The fresh molecules are released into the air

The air purifier can also be controlled with a smart phone app.
This air purifier is going to be released in 2017.

Dilip Goswami, the Co-Founder and CEO, previously served as VP of Technology at Advanced Technologies & Testing Laboratories where he led research & development. He holds a M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University and B.S. from University of Florida. While at Stanford, Dilip worked with the Technology Venture Formation program on a medical device startup, Surgicool.

Some questions were asked about how he got the idea of designing it and he answered, “As an asthma sufferer, I know very personally how precious the air we breathe is.”

“So I thought that, it would be good to create an air purifier named “molekule” which breaks the bacteria and helps me and others breathe better.” The audience was amazed to see the creation, so at the end of his presentation, when he took out the elements out of the purifier, everyone rushed to see it.

If you want to take a look, and want to know more about it then here is the link: http://www.molekule.com/


‘AlligatorZone Ambassadors’ is a new module aimed at seeking greater community-engagement by youth through celebration of local entrepreneurship and innovation at an AlligatorZone, the program where kids meet cool startups. AlligatorZone is a series of family-friendly startup events, aimed mainly at youth aged 7 to 17, held in various cities in close cooperation with local public libraries. For more information on AlligatorZone, visit AlligatorZone.org. This blog post has been minimally edited mainly for accuracy but otherwise posted in its original form to preserve the authenticity of a 10-year old’s original work. Follow AlligatorZone at twitter.com/alligatorzone and like us at facebook.com/alligatorzone.org.