Blog School™ ̶ a guided course to learn to write with confidence and purpose, for the real world.
[ Free for members. For schools or in after-school programs, please contact us.]
Blog School originated as its own program in an ongoing peer-learning group with editorial support to encourage children to prepare for the real world with elite writing skills, i.e., writing to make things happen.
Course prerequisite: Middle school or high-school students. While it is not necessary, it would help if they have previously attended one of our introductory workshops ‘Blog Like A Boss‘ or our after-school program ‘Write Like A Boss’.
Recommended Duration and Frequency: AlligatorZone® supports all active members, whether individual learners or those in classrooms in schools or in afterschool programs. Initially, AlligatorZone® offers 60-minute online coaching sessions held every other week until the student has developed the skills to be a compelling blogger, or feels ready to take the training wheels off.
Blog School’s course structure:
- Develop a personalized blogging strategy and tonal choice over the first 3 months.
- Editorial support for the student’s blog.
- Coaching to think and write like a marketer.
- Peer-learning and review, if many students make a cohort possible.
- Email access to a coach for ongoing support and guidance in between sessions.
Course material:
The course will use the guide book ‘Blog School – Marketing Communication for School Students, Vol. 1’ (obtain a hard copy of the book) for students to learn how to plan and start writing their own blog, along with individual guidance.
Benefits of ‘BlogSchool’ include:
- increased self-awareness through thoughtful writing
- understanding one’s personal brand well before internships, college and career.
- knowing how to write with purpose and confidence
- understanding what is influence and goodwill
- preparing to write essays for college admission and for the real world
- preparing to create a body of work
- understanding the compounding returns of long-term elite writing
- understanding the power of storytelling
- peer-powered learning
- social and emotional learning
About AlligatorZone®’s ‘Blog School™’:
Blog School is a spin-off from our highly acclaimed summer workshops on developing an entrepreneurial mindset, highlighting its importance in helping students gain mastery of a very essential life-skill, viz., writing to get things done. To learn more about AlligatorZone®, or to suggest improvements, please contact us.