Your product can be from any industry (not just kid-stuff) and we’ll help you figure out how to communicate your work with clarity and simplicity to our young audience, and to the broader audience of family members who accompany the kids and teens.
Here are some of the bigger benefits of doing a Product Show-and-Tell at an AlligatorZone event.
- A chance to inspire someone: You just might inspire a kid or a teenager to greatness
- A chance to get help for your venture: You may meet a potential intern, employee, investor, distributor or customer among the parents in the audience. That has happened.
- A chance to improve your product or process: You may obtain insights about your own product that never occurred to you. That has happened. Yo
u will learn to never underestimate the robust common-sense of the mothers and fathers in the audience. You will learn not to underestimate the innate awareness of technology among the young digital natives who do not know a world without modern devices.
- A chance to be a superhero: You will feel like a hero because your local community celebrates you. That psychological
boost is very important for an entrepreneur. We can’t bottle that ingredient and sell it to entrepreneurs, but we come close. You will experience it at an AlligatorZone.
- A chance to bring clarity in your communication: You learn how to explain your product in a way that even a seven year-old can understand it. Startup founders tell us that the experience is such a sensory overload that it takes a few days for some of the questions that kids ask to really start sinking in and helping the entrepreneur gain greater clarity of purpose as they continue their entrepreneurial journey.
- A chance for introspection: You learn to articulate your raison d’être
- A chance to grow your fan-base in your community: AlligatorZone is an unbelievably uplifting experience. You will see and feel the community rallying around you, but also see it join in celebrating a collective brighter economic future.
- A chance to etch yourself in a family’s shared memories of uplifting experiences. A parent and a child enjoy AlligatorZone events together, and they will forever have something uplifting to talk about after meeting you and seeing your startup’s product. A mother recently talked about how her son enthusiastically pointed out a high-tech laundromat after seeing the Washlava brand name on a building on a drive, because they were both present when Washlava’s founder had presented his product at AlligatorZone.
Here are some fringe benefits of presenting your startup at AlligatorZone:
- An opportunity to make your brand a part of kitchen-table conversations: The moment your product becomes an instrument to educate a child about your industry, your brand becomes part of household conversations in the communities that we serve. That’s priceless mind-share.
- A chance to create brand endearment: When you showcase your product at AlligatorZone, you have an opportunity to personally steer your brand image as a likeable and endearing one, using the time-tested tips we will provide, on how to present to this unique audience.
- A chance to immortalize your brand in an educational case-study: If your company is used as an example when we create case-studies for kids through our Academy, your brand will live on in enrichment educational curriculum.
To be considered for doing a show-and-tell of your product or offering, start here.