March 4, 2018
This month’s AlligatorZone in Palo Alto, CA, will feature Sara Spangelo, Co-founder and CEO of Swarm Technologies, a new start-up developing the world’s smallest two-way communications satellites. (Parents can register at
AlligatorZone, where kids meet cool startups, offers free public events regularly in various cities for startup founders to do a product-show-and-tell for youngsters and engage them in a free-wheeling conversation.
These gatherings offer invaluable lessons for families with youngsters, because one never knows what will inspire our children to become change-makers and innovators. Sometimes the impact can’t be measured directly, but they can be felt.
As parents ourselves, we notice that the nice thing about AlligatorZone is how it takes away the burden from a parents’ shoulders of having to talk to a youngster about following the example of someone who is going great things — only to be met a glazed look in the kids’ eyes or the rolling of a teen’s eye, and instead actually allows a family to enjoy a shared social experience that’s very enriched with meaningful interaction without anyone preaching to our kids.
As in Tampa Bay’s sessions this month, for Silicon Valley also, at the March 25th, 2018 event in Palo Alto’s Rinconada Library, we believe that having Sara as a presenter will not only be a great inspiration for our daughters in their formative years, but also for youngsters to know the value of higher education.
At the event, we believe that the youngsters will also learn about satellite communications technology (of course), about what a career path that winds through Google X and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) can lead to, and what the challenges are with making devices connected and communicating with one another.
We believe the youngsters will also learn how the sky is the limit when one is a continuous learner of technologies. From Sara’s linkedin profile: Her research interests include analytical modeling, simulation, multi-disciplinary optimization, stochastic scheduling, Model-Based Systems Engineering, GPS and tracking for small satellites, and optimal path planning with solar-powered UAV applications. Top 32 Canadian astronaut finalist in 2017.
Registration is required for each AlligatorZone event. Parents can use this link to register and reserve seats for the whole family:
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