AlligatorZone’s new trajectory

May 24, 2019

What began as a fun family project has evolved into a serious education company with a noble mission

Believe it or not, it’s been five years of delivering AlligatorZone’s free public events! To celebrate our 5-year anniversary, we are changing our trajectory by setting ourselves some lofty goals, and I am really excited about it.

AlligatorZone is morphing into a membership community. Membership will be free, which means we will continue to have event programs where kids and teens can meet cool startups.

What’s particularly exciting is a new set of premium plans that discerning members will be able to layer on top of their free membership. These premium subscription plans have specific goals.

For instance, you may have observed children binge-watching video clips and shows on the Internet. These are fast becoming the next generation’s primary source of knowledge and entertainment outside of school. Children deserve better choices. I know it is not easy, but we are up for the challenge. Our new premium plan called AlligatorZone Activity addresses this issue through thoughtful, playful and compelling activity-based learning that children can pursue at their own pace in the comfort of their homes. More importantly, the Activity plan aims to ensure that children never outgrow their innate sense of wonder and curiosity, and that they develop habits that make them life-long learners.

The other thing happening, which you may not be aware of, is that several middle-schoolers and early high-school students have been asking to do more with AlligatorZone, in the form of projects and roles, that I would characterize as personal branding initiatives. Our new Ambassador Advantage Premium Plan aims to provide them with amazing opportunities by extending AlligatorZone as a platform for them to get coached, and to practice and perfect skills to become standouts in whatever path they choose, while getting them started on a journey of building an authentic and distinctive personal brand for themselves, and, we hope, gaining priceless clarity of purpose along the way. [Here’s a subsequent blog post, explaining what we mean by ‘personal branding’]

Besides playful learning activities, these new premium plans will include training and certifications as tools to develop good personal branding habits for life.

So that’s where we are taking AlligatorZone. I hope you will continue on this journey with us. Ask your friends to also become members of AlligatorZone and let us make this movement a meaningful one for families everywhere.

On this fifth anniversary, I sincerely thank you being a part of AlligatorZone.

If you have not been a part of AlligatorZone, become a member now.

-Ramesh Sambasivan, Co-founder and CEO of AlligatorZone.

What Makes AlligatorZone® Academy’s Entrepreneurship Summer Camp for Kids and Teens So Special

May 8, 2019

Ad-tech startup Priatek’s CEO, Mr. Milind Bharvirkar pictured hosting AlligatorZone families in his boardroom.

Entrepreneurship is an intensely intellectual and extremely social journey of understanding a problem and solving it in a resourceful manner for people. Entrepreneurship is not just writing a business plan or presenting it to a group of grown-ups to win a medal or a small check.

Entrepreneurship coaching, even for grown-ups, which over-emphasizes the theatrics of a stage performance in a pitch competition puts the cart before the horse. There is a need for public speaking skills, but at a later stage. Entrepreneurship usually starts with being mindful in research, a lot of listening, and rolling up one’s sleeves in search of the best way to make a customer delighted, or just to make the customer breathe a little easier.

The way AlligatorZone Academy’s summer camp curriculum is designed and delivered is therefore different from what parents might typically see at an entrepreneurship boot-camp for children and teens.

In AlligatorZone Academy’s summer camp, we help children and teens (ages 10–15) with introspection so that they figure out what they would like to pursue as a project over the next year or so. Then we provide them with mental models and frameworks to making decisions on various aspects of taking their product to the market, and letting the market decide if their work deserves recognition with actual sales. Participants in the summer camp will use real-world productivity tools just like any startup founder, and learn to think like startup founders, without using jargon. The focus is on first principles of entrepreneurship so that the kids and teens really grasp the core concepts and use them as building blocks of life-skills that will stand them in good stead no matter what their future career and calling. We steer the children, with the support of their respective families, towards the steps needed to take an idea and make a product out of it, working alongside them step-by-step with a compressed launch-program to help them get their project off the ground in the real world.

There are no plans for pitch competitions, no award ceremonies and no participation medals. Just a close-knit community of students who help one another out, and have a blast just being their creative selves, without pressure.

The kids leave AlligatorZone’s workshops with a sense of quiet confidence and pride about a body of work that they started from concept, and depending on the time on hand, progressed sufficiently forward to a stage of creation and validation in the real world. After the workshop, the kids and teens may continue to build in order to differentiate themselves as a distinctive personal brand.

This summer, AlligatorZone is formalizing a layer of support after the summer camp. AlligatorZone will continue to provide the students with a low-maintenance yet highly effective subscription plan to provide guidance to the children and teens with the help of a supportive community, should they wish to continue on their entrepreneurial education and journey.

We hope you will enroll your child at AlligatorZone Academy’s summer enrichment program (

We also hope that you will become a premium subscriber and join our community (

Further, parents may also consider taking their children to attend our free public AlligatorZone events ( Read this blog post about why those events are important. (

The Role of Parents at AlligatorZone®

May 8, 2019

Here are three reasons why it is important that we as parents and guardians must do whatever it takes to make the time to attend AlligatorZone’s events with our school-age children or teens:

1) Startup entrepreneurs are known to change entire industries. Attending AlligatorZone gives families and their children fresh insights into how an entire industry is going to change. When an industry changes, the skills required to find meaningful work also changes. Educators and parents who are able to turn the steering wheels of their children’s education with better foresight about what is around the bend, will be more effective in guiding children in navigating the future.

2) Startup entrepreneurs who make the time to present at AlligatorZone are a very special group of innovators. They spend time preparing on how to present complex concepts in very simple terms so that even a third grader can understand what they are working on. Startup entrepreneurs who come to AlligatorZone to present their work are also usually extremely patient with children in satisfying the children’s innate curiosity, or in talking to the more grown-up kids and teens after the event.

3) In AlligatorZone, kids and teens are taken seriously. We try to make sure that we make the most of the forum to provide the kids with opportunities to learn priceless soft-skills or power-skills. In our observation, this builds tremendous confidence in the children. AlligatorZone attracts a very supportive audience, allowing the children and the startup founders to be themselves and have an honest conversation.

If you haven’t been to an AlligatorZone event, try to attend a free event in your locality and enjoy a uniquely uplifting shared experience with your child, giving the entire family something very meaningful and inspiring to talk fondly about for many years to come.

About AlligatorZone®:

Since June 2014, AlligatorZone®, where kids meet cool startups, has toured 20 communities from Silicon Valley to South Florida, showcasing close to 150 startups to young school-age audiences, helping families learn about the future of work directly from the entrepreneurs who are designing the future. Visit to learn more.