Curriculum: Audio

AlligatorZone® Audio – A Curriculum for School-Age Students to Acquire Critical Listening Skills.

AlligatorZone® Audio (presently in beta), is a highly customized and practical program for middle-school and high-school students acquire critical listening skills.

Recommended Ages: 10 – 17

Methodology: AlligatorZone® Audio is uses a platform and curriculum developed by AlligatorZone® for students to develop mindful listening skills by providing students with the opportunity and guidance to learn:

  • how to conduct research like an analyst
  • how to be comfortable when speaking to authority
  • how to listen without preparing responses in one’s head
  • how to think on one’s feet
  • poise in public

Benefits: AlligatorZone® Audio builds advanced skills in students and prepares them to navigate the real world with poise and confidence.

Delivery: AlligatorZone® Audio is delivered virtually.